Barbell Situps – Core Training AND Shoulder Mobility – Straightbar situps are a good way to train the core while mainting an isometric barbell hold. Benefits of this excerise include improved core strength, shoulder mobility, and upper body stability.
Make sure not to over arch the lower back. Keep the situp controlled and the whole back should land evenly. If your upper back is landing first, then there will be undue stress placed on the lumbar spine during the movement.
Advanced variation – complete the core movement until you are standing up completely, then lower all the way back down to the bench position.
– Joe Hashey, CSCS –
core strength,
ab exercise,
barbell situp,
sit ups,
abdominal exercise,
chest exercise,
upper body,
athlete training,
core training,
shoulder mobility,
shoulder strength
Barbell Situps – Core Training AND Shoulder Mobility Ves Related Info
Meta Description of Barbell Situps – Core Training AND Shoulder Mobility: Barbell Situps – Core Training AND Shoulder Mobility – Synergy Fitness Studio Vestal New York, Category: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube, Tags: Ab Exercise, ab
Related City: Vestal New York, Tags: ab exercise, abdominal exercise, athlete training, barbell situp, chest exercise, core strength, core training, isometric, sholder strength, shoulder mobility, sit ups, upper body, Ab Exercise and Customized Fat Loss, Categories: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube and Fitness Studio.
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