Fitness Planet Bodybuilder (Spoof Parody Commercial)
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Just having a little fun with a hypothetical “fitness planet” gym. We like to have a judgment free zone as long as everyone is working hard at Synergy Athletics. Unfortunately the “new client” didn’t seem to get that…yet.
Maybe we can get him to join us soon!
**NOTE** I think there is another gym named Planet Fitness that has commercials that I find funny – and I know a lot of good people do actually WORKOUT there. Unfortunately, it isn’t quite how they portray it in their own commercials and advertisements.
PS. I pick things up and put them down !
KEYWORDS: fitness planet, planet fitness commercial, planet fitness gym, commercial spoof, commercial parody, how to workout, funny video
Fitness Planet Bodybuilder (Spoof Parody Commercial) Bin Related Info
Meta Description of Fitness Planet Bodybuilder (Spoof Parody Commercial): Fitness Planet Bodybuilder (Spoof Parody Commercial) – Synergy Personal Trainer Binghamton New York, Category: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube, Tags: Advertise
Related City: Binghamton New York, Tags: advertisementI, and, commercial parody, commercial spoof, down, exercise, fitness, fitness planet, funny video, how to workout, pick, planet, planet fitness ad, planet fitness commercial, planet fitness gym, put, satire, them, things, up, AdvertisementI and Customized Fat Loss, Categories: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube and Personal Trainer.
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