No More Knee Pain: Simple Corrective Fix
Knee pain was a big part of my life. Early during college football I had multiple surguries (scopes and alignment surgeries) that left me week and even in more pain.
I firmly belive that this would have all been prevented if I properly completed strength training and prehabilition exercises. Unfortunately, I didn’t know much about any of that so I spent months on crutches. After the last surguries I was told that was it for my playing days…
…fast forward 2 years and I finally had a basic strength training knowledge under my belt and I started feeling better. I was able to return to the field, and play a few successful seasons on a local semi pro team, earn 1st team all league honors on two knees that I wasn’t suppose to be able to play on.
Long story short, my knees never bother me anymore, and haven’t in years. I was able to strengthen and work on tissue quality to turn some “left for dead” knees to fully functional and pain free.
As I mention in the video below, “knee pain” can be caused by a TON of different facts, and it would be irresponsible of me to say this is the “one greatest knee solution evvverrr” as you might see on some blogs.
The truth is, the solution below will fix a lot of simple knee discomfort. If you have severe imbalances, or an actual injury, make sure you do consult a doctor or professonal that can do a specific evaluation.
Simple Knee Pain Fix
To start, perform 2-3 minutes of soft tissue work on each area. Also make sure to strengthen the areas you just mobilized to prevent a future injury.
I’m in the mood for strength training for a week. What muscle group do you want to see some of our exercises for? Post up your thougthts and I will kick it off next week!
– Joe Hashey, CSCS –
PS. If I don’t get to your desired topic right away, keep posting! I’ll get to everything I can eventually (I see you punching power requesters, soon I promise!)
PPS. Looking to prevent muscle pain, recover faster, and get stronger! Check out
Keywords: knee pain, how to fix knee pain, eleviate knee pain, knee pain fix, knee pain solution, knee hurts, knee exercise, knee exercises, best knee exercises
No More Knee Pain: Simple Corrective Fix Endwell NY Related Info
Meta Description of No More Knee Pain: Simple Corrective Fix: No More Knee Pain: Simple Corrective Fix – Synergy Fitness Studio Endwell NY, Category: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube, Tags: Best Knee Exercises, best knee e
Related City: Endwell NY, Tags: best knee exercises, eleviate knee pain, how to fix knee pain, knee exercise, knee exercises, knee hurts, knee pain, knee pain fix, knee pain solution, Best Knee Exercises and Ab Training, Categories: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube and Fitness Studio.
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