Super Training Gym Seminar Speed Bench
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Last week my friend Zach Even Esh shot me a message saying that he was hosting the Super Training Power lifting Seminar in NJ and I should bring some guys down.
Even though I hate traveling, my approach this year is DO EVERYTHING, LEARN ALWAYS, and SHARE UNSELFISHLY. No way I was turning down this opportunity so I rounded up my boys: Jake the high school soph, my brother Pat, and a lax bro/our intern Aaron.
It just so happened that it was held on a Saturday which is also our “cheat day” from a strict nutrition and conditioning program all week, and we cheat hard! So we rolled out of Binghamton around 5:30 am with a buffalo chicken/honey mustard/pepperoni sheet pizza in the back seat.
We got to Zach’s gym around 8:45 am and were greeted by two monster individuals, Jesse Burdick and Mark Bell. Mark’s shoulders are the size of my quads.
The seminar was awesome, they went over everything from programming and rehabilitation to primary lifts and how to GTL (yes it was in NJ, and that is important to know apparently!)
After a morning of bench pressing (speed, max, and repetition for form checking) it was time for lunch – you can see where my mind was at, I was burnt out!
The afternoon was full of more form checking and workout discussions. It was a great atmosphere – like I was hanging out with friends just talking training. Mark had some great explanations I am going to share with you in a future post, they are worthy of a full article each, but today I wanted to share the training with you.
I included most of the sets just so you can get a feel for how they train. On speed bench days (as shown for the first 1-2 minutes) they usually work with 40-60% of a 1 rm for 6-8 sets of 2-3. We followed it up with some heavier pressing and repetition with Mark Bell’s Sling Shot.
Super Training Seminar Video
– Joe Hashey, CSCS –
I’ll be out in Columbus Ohio on April 9th to speak at the Central Ohio Strength Clinic, I’ll pass the info on next week to anyone that is in that area!
Tags: super training gym, speed bench, super training, how to bench press, dynamic bench press, jesse burdick, mark bell, zach even esh, joe hashey,
Super Training Gym Seminar Speed Bench Endwell NY – Synergy Related Info
Meta Description of Super Training Gym Seminar Speed Bench: Super Training Gym Seminar Speed Bench – Synergy Fitness Studio Endwell NY, Category: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube, Tags: Bigger Faster Stronger Movie, bigg
Related City: Endwell NY, Tags: bigger faster stronger movie, dynamic bench press, how to bench press, jesse burdick, joe hashey, mark bell, speed bench, super training, super training gym, zach even esh, Bigger Faster Stronger Movie and Fat Loss Extreme, Categories: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube and Fitness Studio.
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