4 in 1 Mobility Exercise – Glutes Hamstring Hip Thora

4 in 1 Mobility Exercise – Glutes Hamstring Hip Thoraci…

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When I was out in Ohio speaking at the Central Ohio Strength Clinic, I had to stop by my friend’s gyms. The first stop was Rob Pilger’s (it was awesome, video up soon), and then over to Rob Williams at EAS.

Rob “The Kenetic Guru” Williams is a genius when he comes to warm ups and mobility. Before our training session he ran us through 3 cool drills. The first was a combo hip and thoracic spine mobility, glute and hamstring flexibility, and glute and quad activation.

Sounds like a lot right? Well actually it is awesome to fit all that into one 3-5 minute drill.

Here’s the steps broken down for you:

1. Take a long stride and keep the back leg locked out straight.

2. Put your outside hand down and push the inside elbow towards the floor. Hold for 5 seconds.

3. Rotate the same hand up towards the sky. Hold for 5 seconds.

4. Put your outside hand back down and push the inside elbow towards the floor. Hold for 5 seconds.

5. Extend your bent leg to straight while keeping your hands on the ground. Hold for 5 seconds.

6. Drop down to a lung position and explode out by driving the back leg off the ground and extending the hips (glute activation).
7. Repeat on the other side.

Perform 5-10 reps on each side or a distance of 40 yards.

Sounds complicated? Its not when you get it down, check out the video. Note how crappy my first few are! After 1-2 sessions I have it down now, doesn’t take long.
KG Mobility Drill
When I put it up on our warm up board, I call it the KG mobility drill to tribute it to the “Kenetic Guru.”

KEYWORDS: hip mobility, glute stretch, mobility drill, mobility for athletes, hamstring stretch, hamstring flexibility, warm up drill, how to warm up, t spine, thoracic spine


4 in 1 Mobility Exercise – Glutes Hamstring Hip Thora Related Info

Meta Description of 4 in 1 Mobility Exercise – Glutes Hamstring Hip Thoraci…: 4 in 1 Mobility Exercise – Glutes Hamstring Hip Thoraci – Synergy Personal Trainer Endwell New York, Category: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube, Tags: Glute

Related City: Endwell New York, Tags: glute stretch, hamstring flexibility, hamstring stretch, hip mobility, hip mobility exercise, how to warm up, mobility drill, mobility for athletes, t spine, thoracic spine, warm up drill, Glute Stretch and Ab Training, Categories: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube and Personal Trainer.

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