Tabata Rope Battling – Intensity Matters.
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IMPORTANT (and the point of this post): Intensity DOES NOT mean attacking every exercise like a mad man until failure. Sometimes it does, as with the Tabata rope battling below, but there are often misconceptions of intensity.
Proper Training Intensity
In-ten-si-ty (noun) great energy, strength, concentration, vehemence, etc., as of activity, thought, or feeling ( .
Intensity Gone Wrong
In-ten-si-ty (noun) do every exercise until YOU DIE! AHHHH Red Bull!!!!!!! MUSCLE MILK!!!! If you are still alive at the end of a workout you did it WRONG you pansy!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH. Now slap me in the face so I get pumped up for this last set of straight bar curls… AHHH CHECK OUT MY BICEP PEAK! Try to climb that Sir Edmund Hillary….
(anyone get my first person to climb Mt. Everest joke?)
Back to being serious.
Proper training intensity is focusing your energy and strength on an performing your lifts.
Intensity Suggestions:
* Crank your favorite song
* Close your eyes and take a deep breathe before the lift
* Know that every lift means something
* Picture someone important watching you lift.
The last one is something I have done for years. I have pictured family and friends watching me lift that I haven’t seen in years. It fires up my senses and adrenaline because I don’t want to let these people down.
Then I breathe, open my eyes, and attack the lift….for the proper sets and reps as prescribed in the program. important note for people that equate intensity with training to failure.
Rope Battling Intensity
Garrett is able to clear his mind and attack his lifts and workouts exactly as the program dictates.
Long story short…You have to be able to “flip the switch” when it is go time.
Rope battling trains the core, back, shoulders, legs, and arms if done properly. Tabata protocol is used for conditioning.
– Joe Hashey, CSCS –
tabata protocol, tabata workout, tabata, rope battling, workout, workout intensity, core training, core exercise, conditioning exercise, lineman conditioning, football conditioning
Tabata Rope Battling – Intensity Matters. Endwell NY Related Info
Meta Description of Tabata Rope Battling – Intensity Matters.: Tabata Rope Battling – Intensity Matters. – Synergy Fitness Club Endwell NY, Category: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube, Tags: Conditioning Exercise, conditioni
Related City: Endwell NY, Tags: conditioning exercise, core exercise, core training, football conditioning, lineman conditioning, rope battling, tabata, tabata protocol, tabata workout, workout, workout intensity, Conditioning Exercise and Customized Fat Loss, Categories: Synergy Fitness Team on YouTube and Fitness Club.
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